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Design Thinking Helps Us Thrive in Virtual Relationships
How to collaborate virtually with one another through empathy
With digital work and social spaces virtualizing our experiences, MBA student Justin Owens, a design-thinking expert at IBM, says empathy becomes key to collaboration.

This is Best Time for M&A, if you can Realize the Synergy
For Forbes, Lecturer Suzy Taherian says it's a buyer's market right now and might be the best time for CFOs to make a strategic acquisition due to the sharp drop in public and private equity markets.

Canadian Policy on Corporate Emissions Translates to Higher Market Value
Professor Paul Griffin's 12-year study of carbon emissions data of Canadian companies shows the country's aggressive greenhouse gas regulations are paying dividends for stock valuations.
Sonja Hongisto-Bowman MBA 91 Honored for Her Volunteerism
Uber ambassador recognized with 2019-20 Outstanding Service Award
Double-Aggie Sonja Hongisto-Bowman is one of only two alumni to earn both the Outstanding Service and the Distinguished Achievement awards.

Over $200 Billion in Impairments to Hit Corporate Earnings
For Forbes, Lecturer Suzy Taherian says the COVID-19 pandemic has forced finance executives to closely examine impairments of assets, expected to be more severe than the 2008 recession.
GSM Alumni Association Honors Shyama Chakroborty MBA 96
2019-2020 Distinguished Achievement Award
A true "Rocket Man," Shyama Chakroborty MBA 96 has distinguished himself in the space exploration field.

MBA Alumnus Mac Clemmens Honored with Rising Star Award
Tech entrepreneur named GSM Alumni Association's first Rising Star recipient
Clemmens is the founder and CEO of Digital Deployment, Inc., a Sacramento-based custom website design and development company for institutions, government, non-profits, and associations.

How Every Entrepreneur Wins in the Big Bang!
We’re proud to be one of 16 finalists
Sacramento Part-Time MBA student Teri Slack is co-founder of StarBio, one of 16 finalist teams in the 2020 Big Bang! Business Competition.

New Stimulus Needed: $1,200 Check had Little Impact on Economy
For Forbes, Lecturer Suzy Taherian reviews Congress' newly proposed stimulus plan after research discovered much of the previous $1,200 stimulus checks had zero impact on the economy.

Alumni Giving for Good: Inaugural MBA Student Scholarship
Financial support helps MBA students with need
MBA alumnus Joncarlo Mark and his wife, Jami, have funded a new MBA student scholarship to pay it forward for the help they received in college.
Image Joncarlo and Jami Mark's scholarship provides outstanding MBA students with financial assistance to help ease their burden of educational expenses such as books and information technology.With rising tuition costs and the looming financial crunch, there has never been a better time to

COVID Shortages: Supply Chains Must Become Less Efficient
For Forbes, Lecturer Suzy Taherian says supply chain disruptions are wreaking havoc in the post-COVID world, thus businesses must rapidly become more local and flexibly risk-proof.

MSBA Alumna Liz Liu Tackles COVID-Age Job Market
Detailing strategies during the pandemic
Liu, now a data analyst at Amazon-Ring, pivoted quickly after Macy's downsized, forcing her back into the job market in a difficult time.