The Latest

Green Deal is the ‘Motor for the Recovery’ for Europe
For Forbes, Lecturer Suzy Taherian notes Europe's commitment to the $1.1 trillion Green Deal, detailing why U.S. and world leaders can make significant strides on green initiatives right now.

What Action is Needed: Bold Decisions to Stop COVID-19
We urge decision-makers to take bold, decisive, and preventive action
As COVID-19 cases continue to skyrocket globally, Professor Hemant Bhargava and UC Davis colleagues recommend decisive action and support systems to put into place.
(Editor's note: This blog originally appeared on Medium on Mar. 12, 2020, and

Assistant Professor Mike Palazzolo Honored with Top Award for Marketing Research
Paul E. Green Award for “Frugality is Hard to Afford”
The Journal of Marketing Research has recognized Assistant Professor Mike Palazzolo with the 2019 Paul E. Green Award for his paper “Frugality is Hard to Afford.”

A Prophet, a Traffic Cop and a Chess Master Walked into a Board
For Forbes, Lecturer Suzy Taherian defines new roles—such as Chief Culture Officer, Traffic Cop, and Prophet—board members must assume during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Alumni Spotlight: Lana Kress MPAc 18
Tax Consultant, PwC
A tax consultant at PwC, alumna Lana Kress MPAc 18 shares about her student experience, teamwork in the accounting industry and joining one of the Big 4 accounting firms.

$2.5 Trillion in M&A Pushing Open Debt Markets
Lecturer Suzy Taherian, in her recent blog for Forbes, shares the outlook for private equity investment given the fact that lenders are looking at shorter-term loans since the long-term horizon is unclear.

Five Strategies to Pivot Away from Corona
For Forbes, Lecturer Suzy Taherian lists five ways CEOs can find alternatives to survive in this difficult economy, recognizing the importance of health care, transportation and supply chains.

What Are CEOs Doing Wrong With Their Crisis Communications?
For Forbes, Lecturer Suzy Taherian says CEOs who effectively manage bad news can help their organizations recover more quickly, especially right now during the crisis.

Thousands to File for Bankruptcy: What All CFOs Should Know
Neiman Marcus—following J.Crew—is expected to file for bankruptcy. In Forbes, Lecturer Suzy Taherian says CFOs need to fully understand bankruptcy as an option.

Unwinding the Hidden Tax Implications of CARES Act
For Forbes, Lecturer Suzy Taherian shares what CFOs should know about recent government funding to help businesses cover payroll, utilities, rent, and interest.

Congratulations, 2020 Big Bang! Finalists
From a field of 113, it's down to a sweet 16

The CFO’s Shame of Accepting Government Assistance
For Forbes, Lecturer Suzy Taherian provides insight into CFOs' qualms in applying for government-provided forgivable loans following the passage of the $2 trillion CARES stimulus bill.