The Latest

What to Expect at the Grocery Store as we see an Increase in COVID-19 Cases
UC Davis Professor Shannon Anderson tells Scripps National News bulk purchases continue to trigger demand surges in the supply chain as COVID-19 cases rise again.

UC Davis Students Develop Diagnostic Method for Stroke Patients
Big Bang! winner StartBio, a UC Davis team with MBA student Teri Slack, created the Rapid Homogenous Point-of-Care Evaluation (HoPE) innovation to identify ischemic stroke patients.

SIEML Means Business at UC Davis
My experience at the UC Summer Institute for Emerging Managers and Leaders
"My greatest takeaway was learning more about the benefits of an MBA or a Ph.D. degree from a UC school. It became clear how valuable an MBA could be." — Kaiyell Pettie

Diversity Drives Team Productivity in Analytics
Global “melting pots” foster innovation in M.S. in Business Analytics projects
During his practicum project experience, MSBA student Breno Albuquerque discovered the power and importance of diversity in teamwork.
Given the events of the past week, I cannot think of a more appropriate moment to ponder about the role diversity

Employees Need To Feel Connected: Leaders Have To Be Human
For Forbes, Lecturer Suzy Taherian says business leaders shouldn’t ignore the crucial task of rebuilding company culture following changes to corporate strategies and processes due to COVID-19.

Can Artificial Intelligence Create Jobs?
Undergraduate Lisa Illes and her startup are featured in this look at how AI can create jobs. 2020 Big Bang! award winner PHIXED SYSTEMS is an advanced analytics platform technology for bio-manufacturing. This blog is excerpted from a story by

“We're only physically distancing, not socially distancing.”
MSBA student leader Ana Parra Vera promotes fun, community building
While sheltered-in-place, MSBA student Ana Parra Vera collaborated on ways to build community, including a COVID-19 data competition and leading virtual "Zoom"ba workouts.

Tim Stallings MBA 98
Tim Stallings MBA 98, co-founder and vice president of merchandise for the Sacramento Republic FC soccer club, shares his experience helping to build a professional sports franchise with big plans to bring it to the national stage — and how his UC

Your Team Struggling? Coffee May be the Answer, Study Suggests
If your team has been slow to get on the same wavelength, Dean H. Rao Unnava and Professor Vasu Unnava found coffee may be the trick to get back on track.

36 Million Unemployed: How AI can Create Jobs
For Forbes, Lecturer Suzy Taherian says AI startups like PHIXED at UC Davis, for example, can move the pharma industry towards biomanufacturing 4.0 and create additional data-analysis jobs.

Winning Others Over: Courtney Schultz Now Consulting with PwC
Former sprint freestyle swimmer and 2018 Aggie graduate Courtney Schultz carved out a path through our Master of Professional Accountancy program to a consulting position at PwC.

Spotlight: Ana Parra Vera MSBA 20
Master of Science in Business Analytics
M.S. in Business Analytics student Ana Parra Vera shares her experience as a student leader in the San Francisco program, and her virtual "Zoom"ba for her classmates to keep fit.
Why the UC Davis MSBA program in San Francisco?
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