Academic Policies and Procedures

Instructional Workload Policy

Academic Policies and Procedures


Memorandums of Understanding

Principles of Community

"We recognize that each of us has an obligation to the community of which we have chosen to be a part. We will strive to build a true community of spirit and purpose based on mutual respect and caring." -- Principles of Community

For more information, see Principles of Community

Code of Academic Conduct

All members of the academic community are responsible for the academic integrity of the Davis campus. Existing policies forbid cheating on examinations, plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty is contrary to the purposes of the University and is not to be tolerated.

For more information, see Code of Academic Conduct
For faculty responsibilities, see the Faculty section

Allegations of Academic Cheating and Misconduct

Any allegations of academic misconduct (e.g., cheating, plagiarism, etc., see Code of Academic Conduct) should be communicated to the office of Student Judicial Affairs. Information about student responsibilities and rights, Standards of Academic Conduct, procedures for reporting academic misconduct and the filing of student grievances are available online. 

Refer questions to GSM contacts: MBA Academic Director, Student Affairs, Office of the Registrar

Accommodating Students with Disabilities

Faculty must provide accommodations for a student with a disability if the student presents a letter enumerating identified accommodations from the SDC. Students who do not provide SDC verification should be asked to do so before accommodations are provided. If the faculty member disagrees with the SDC accommodation, or is aware of course-specific factors that have bearing on the accommodation, s/he should consult with either the SDC Disability Specialist who authored the accommodation letter or the SDC Coordinator.

For more information, visit the SDC website

UC Davis Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Policy

In a university setting, academics share institutional governance and are perceived to be powerful. Even if you do not directly supervise anyone, or possess a specific title or position, others in the university community may see you as an authority figure. Therefore, your words and actions may have a different impact than what you intend. Being mindful of this can improve the work and learning environment that you share with others.

To discuss a discrimination or harassment concern, to schedule an educational presentation, or to request materials,  please call (530) 752-9255. You may also contact Christina Sanchez, Harassment & Discrimination Advisor.

Information regarding sexual harassment and sexual violence policy can be found on the Harassment & Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program website.