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Challenge Accepted: I Learned to Sew Masks for Medical Workers Fighting COVID-19
Everyone has time, talent and treasure to help their community
Sheltered-in-place at home, MBA alumna Abigayle Curtis is sewing masks for local healthcare workers in response to the coronavirus outbreak.
Feeling anxious from the constant barrage of COVID-19 news, I realized quickly while quarantined that I

The Coronavirus Crisis Could Hurt Investors for Decades to Come—Even in the Best-Case Scenario
How worried should long-term investors be about the coronavirus pandemic? Professor Alan Taylor says “it’s an open question, since we have never had an age pyramid like this in past great pandemics.”

MBA Admissions COVID-19 Response
Deadline Extensions and GMAT Waivers Available
Our MBA admissions process has been adjusted to accommodate you, wherever you are in the process in these unprecedented times.
At UC Davis, we recognize the extraordinary personal and professional challenges that the coronavirus pandemic poses

Striving for Global Environmental Justice with Circular Green Citizenship
The planet isn’t just one thing. It’s everything.
Daniel Student MBA 20 was named a top winner in the PwC/U21 Innovation Challenge for his roadmap toward an environmentally sensitive economy.

MSBA Admissions COVID-19 Response
Support Available
Our MSBA admissions process has been adjusted to accommodate you, wherever you are in the process in these unprecedented times.
At UC Davis, we recognize the extraordinary personal and professional challenges that the coronavirus pandemic poses

Economic Effects of Pandemics Last Decades, Research Shows
The coronavirus pandemic could harm the economy for decades if past patterns are a guide, according to Professor Alan Taylor, drawing on data going back to the 14th century.

Can’t Find Toilet Paper? UC Davis Professors Break Down 'Rational’ Coronavirus Hoarding
UC Davis experts agree hoarding is wrong, but as Professor Donald Palmer explains, panic buying might actually be a rational response to public officials' messages during a chaotic crisis.

Confusion and Poor Messaging Led to Hoarding
Professor Donald Palmer and UC Davis experts say political leaders' messages during COVID-19 outbreak scared people into over-buying—a rational response.

Professor Donald Palmer Joins Live Q&A on Hoarding During Pandemic
Professor Donald Palmer joins KCRA 3 TV News for a live question and answer session about hoarding and government messages to public about coronavirus pandemic.

COVID-19 Outbreak: An Opportunity to Sharpen My Communications Skills
Winter course helps us identify biases and hone our presentations
“Especially today, it’s important . . . to recognize our predispositions and opinions, set those aside and base decisions on verified facts,” writes Anggie Claudia.

What Are Chipotle’s Next Steps? Yelp Ratings Offer Clues
Machine learning can be a great condiment for Tex Mex. MSBA student Yuting Li blogs about her team's analysis of Chipotle’s Yelp ratings and their recommendations.
As part of their Machine Learning course, M.S. in Business Analytics students Hao

Zoom in: Face-time Crucial While Working from Home
Working remotely? Distracted by kids and dealing with shelter in place? Professor Kimberly Elsbach shows how to "be seen" by staying in touch with your supervisor.