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Words of Wisdom: Dean Unnava interviewed by Metro EDGE
Tune in to Sacramento Metro EDGE's two-part WOW interview with Dean H. Rao Unnava who shares career advice, wisdom from his mentors and more.

UC Davis Researchers, Students Plan to Turn Mysis Shrimp into Dog Treats in Fight to Save Tahoe’s Clarity
Recent MBA alumnus Yuan Cheng shares how he's working with UC Davis researchers to create high-end dog treats out of Mysis shrimp to help solve a growing clarity problem at Lake Tahoe.

Four C’s of MSBA: Curriculum, Collaboration, Connections and Cases
New alumna shares advice from her student experience
MSBA alumna Jacqueleine Ngo shares about the program, her internship and new career at Unity.

Cognivive Announces World’s First Prescription Interactive Rehabilitation Device
Cognivive has designed the first prescription interactive rehabilitation device under new FDA regulation. CogniviveVR helps patients recover control over their arms and hands by delivering personalized treatments in the form of highly motivational

Food For Thought: My Internship with The Wonderful Company
Kali Clark shares how her love for food and wine led her to the UC Davis MBA program and turned into an internship opportunity with The Wonderful Company.

Boost Your Professional Flexibility—5 Tips for Your Career Search
Prepare your pitch, build momentum and follow-up
UC Davis alumni and HR executives Paul Bianchi and Tracy Regis share career search strategies, including remote interview prep, resume building and staying connected.
Industry Immersions: Innovations for the Future

Parents, Here’s Why You Should Consider an MBA
“Even when family life feels overwhelming, I’ve enjoyed my time at the UC Davis GSM”
As a full-time professional and parent of three young kids, Wesley Chua shares why he took the leap to start the Bay Area Part-Time MBA.

Are big tech firms too powerful to regulate?
Do the tech industry’s four most powerful players - Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google - have too much power?
These tech titans attended a congressional hearing last week, where lawmakers tried to find out whether they have used unfair business

12 Informational Interview Questions to Ask
(and two that you should never ask)
Before you start to think about the questions you will ask, it's important to know what not to ask at this type of meeting.

Post-COVID-19 Economy: Executives, Alumni Share Insights
Executive video series features faculty moderating dynamic panels
From the front lines, strategic advice in five key areas: finance, technology, business development, consulting/corporate strategy, supply chain/operations and leadership.

Are Shrimp-Flavored Dog Treats the Answer to Keeping Lake Tahoe Blue?
UC Davis' Tahoe Environmental Research Center is working to remove an invasive crustacean to keep Lake Tahoe blue thanks to efforts from a MBA-student led team and recent alum Yuan Cheng.