The Latest

Crying at Work Can Be Even Worse Now, Thanks, Zoom
In smaller video meetings where everyone is expected to show their face, “everybody is sort of equally visible,” says Professor Kimberly Elsbach who studies crying at work.

A New Breed of Business Leaders Emerge from Pandemic
“COVID-19 has become our deepest learning and adaptive challenge”
“As students and working professionals, we’re at the forefront of this jarring transition,” says Bay Area MBA student Rubia van Roodselaar.

Collaborating Over a Virtual Water Cooler
Creating space for mutual career support and creativity
Working remotely means no more "water cooler chats," but MBA alum Patrick Rosenberg shares how he and friends stay connected.

What's Next for Electric Trucks?
Shortly after California Governor Gavin Newsom called for a ban on all gas-powered vehicles by 2035, EV experts weighed in. Lecturer Suzy Taherian, recently named CFO of Wrightspeed, which builds range-extended electric powertrains for buses and

Accounting Pivot: “There’s Always Time to Change the Road You’re On.”
Catapulting my accounting career
MPAc alum Jared Slesnick recounts his “wild ride” career journey from a small business to BDO to Atlassian.

Our 21-Week Anti-Racism Challenge
Diversity scholar Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr. created the 21-Day Challenge concept to promote deeper understandings of race, power, privilege, supremacy, and oppression. We expanded the challenge to 21 weeks in order to “bake it in” to our community discussion throughout the academic year.

Virtual Handshakes with Accounting Firms Lead to Careers
Many MPAc students secure positions by Thanksgiving break
Master of Professional Accountancy students connected virtually at our “Meet the Firms” event, as recruiters seek top talent.

Handicapping Bonus Pay for Managers
One size does not fit all: Professor Shannon Anderson's latest research shows how subjective ratings can help motivate middle managers.

2020 EMERGE Summit Elevates Young Professionals
Sacramento Metro EDGE’s virtual conference encourages bravery in community service, relationships and building the future of Sacramento
Recapping EMERGE, Chelsea Garner says: “I learned to speak out, speak up, embrace vulnerability, exercise my voice and not be afraid of failure.”

Evaluating New Tech? You’re More Biased Than You May Realize
Let the best tech win! Professor Kim Elsbach says leaders' unconscious ideas about new tech can lead to poor investment decisions.

Virtual Escape Room: “It is up to your team to save the world!”
Destination Davis: Getting to know my new Full-Time MBA cohort
Full-Time MBA student Aihe Chen says virtual orientation opened up innovative ways to collaborate and bond with her classmates.

Why Day Trading Is Not a Wise Income Strategy for the Unemployed
Day trading has been a point of contention for years. Professor Brad Barber of UC Davis finished up a 14-year day trading study in 2010, and concluding that a mere one percent of people within the study profited from their efforts.