The Latest

Meet Our New MSBA Graduate Student Analysts
Jessica Padolina, Zhe Wang and Dhwani Mehta connect their cohort
Soft skills, SQL and machine learning—find out what attracted our three new Graduate Student Analysts to the MSBA program.

Commitment to Community and How to Find Yours
How my energetic personality led to a passion of volunteering.
Bay Area MBA student Kevin Leung, a financial analyst at Facebook, details his journey to UC Davis and how he’s discovered his passion for community support.

Industry Experts: How to Leverage Data Analytics in Today’s Dynamic Workplace
Guest speakers challenge us with real-world case studies
MSBA student Khristion Lambert recaps the guidance and insight his class received from two leading data professionals.

How Our Dog Treats Can Help Restore Lake Tahoe
Four keys to grassroots social entrepreneurism
MBA alum Yuan Cheng co-founded Shrimply Blue to help restore Lake Tahoe. His team is on a mission built on trust and social impact.

Advice and Network Paved My Way to New Finance Career
My transition to private equity at Upwelling Capital Group.
Double-Aggie Jesse Rodriguez BA 13, MBA 19 shares how he built a strong network among faculty and alumni to launch a rewarding new finance career.

Aggie Hacks x Google Cloud: The COVID-19 Path to Recovery
Winners and results of our MSBA program’s first national hackathon.
MSBA program hosts national hackathon in partnership with Google Cloud, attracting students from nine schools, to team up on COVID-19 solutions.

Aggie Hacks Goes National to 100+ Competitors at Nine B-schools
Our MSBA program’s first nationwide virtual hackathon
As this year’s Aggie Hack student organizer, Jessica Padolina MSBA 21 learned about connection and collaboration with partners from Google Cloud.

HM.CLAUSE: Finding New Insights to Agricultural Challenges
“We benefit from the external perspectives that challenge our internal optics”
HM.CLAUSE Vice President Andres Trillo blogs about MBA students and campus researchers successfully developing solutions in our Food & Ag industry Immersion.

Join Our Leadership and Strategic Negotiation Online Short Courses
Courses begin May 19 and 26
Join world-leading industry experts for a pair of short courses designed to help you become a leader with a positive impact on the world.

New Rapid COVID-19 Test the Result of Partnership with Maurice Gallagher
UC Davis and alumnus Maurice J. Gallagher, Jr., CEO of Allegiant Travel Company, partner on first COVID-19 test involving mass spectrometry, robotics and machine learning. The Gallaghers' major gift in 2007 named Gallagher Hall, our campus home.

On Spirit and Citizenship
Following the judgements today in the death of George Floyd, Dean H. Rao Unnava urges us to “look beyond our superficial differences, reflect on the goodness in each of us, and renew our commitment to live a life that is marked by collaboration.”

Cellars to Sellers: A New Law will Allow UC Davis to Sell its Wine to the Public
To sell thousands of gallons of wine previously poured down the drain, the Department of Viticulture & Enology turned to a team of UC Davis MBAs for a business plan as state laws passed to make it possible.