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Why UC Davis is a Great Place for Entrepreneurs
“Aggie Innovators” are changing the world
“This truly was the apex of my education—blending my scientific expertise with my business acumen and my entrepreneurial spirit,” says MBA alumna Teri Slack.

Livestream Retailers: Why Hosts Should Sell with a Poker Face
Professor Prasad Naik and researchers from University of Tennessee published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that investigates the sales impact of emotional expressions by the hosts of livestream retailing.

Why Your Onboarding Process Needs to Adapt to a Hybrid Workforce
A study conducted by Professor Kim Elsbach showed that maintaining work relationships is a huge challenge for remote workers, and people who feel connected with their managers (even if it’s through video calls and chats) are more likely to get

Valued Managers Exhibit a Range of Emotions—Positive and Negative. Why Does Crying Get a Bad Rap?
Professor Kim Elsabch surveyed 3,200 workers and executives and found that 52 percent of respondents had lost their temper at work, suggesting it was acceptable to show anger in the office. Yet 70 percent of the group held negative views about crying

Jonathan Pan Named to Poets&Quants' MBAs to Watch List
With a background in neurobiology and a love for food, Full-Time MBA student Jonathan Pan was recently recognized among Poets&Quants' MBAs to Watch: Class of 2021.

Insights from the First UC Davis Data Summit
Lessons of storytelling, marketing analytics, natural language processing.
We brought together students, alumni, faculty, practitioners and corporate leaders from Google, Facebook, Instagram, Thorn and more to spotlight emerging trends in analytics.

How the MSBA Program Provided a Career Boost
Adding tools to my skillset helped me succeed.
Never underestimate the power of your network. Alumna Jessica Padolina, now at BlackRock, says every interview opportunity I earned was because of my network—whether thanks to the MSBA program or from a coworker from a previous job.

Real Change in Health Care Demands Innovation and Empathy
Cutting-edge biotech therapies, combined with hope, lead to healing
A biotech entrepreneur, Natalie Makableh MBA 21 says we need more empathic leaders at the intersection of science and society. Read how she’s changing that.

One Incredible Journey: My Six-Year MBA Sacrifice
‘Dedication and resilience led me to this moment.’
After years of sacrifice, recent Full-Time MBA graduate Tarun Chinniah finally received the pay-off he’d set out for: his MBA degree.

How I Passed the CPA Exams
MPAc grads’ insight into exam prep and the testing process.
Teaming up with a fellow alumna, Navodi Weerasinghe MPAc 19 shares how she prepared and passed the four CPA exams.

Lisa Nguyen Elected as HighEdWeb Board Officer
GSM Director of Web Marketing joins new leadership of international digital professionals group
The Higher Education Web Professionals Association (HighEdWeb) has elected Lisa Nguyen as secretary of the board of directors. Nguyen is among new leaders coming on board to help the association meet its strategic goals.

Recent Court Ruling and Shareholder Decisions Add Pressure, but It’s the Market that will Drive Oil Giants to Change
Distinguished Professor Paul Griffin says the real force that will drive Big Oil to reconsider how it manages emissions isn't the courts or activist pressure, it is more simple: It has to do with making money.