The Latest

MPAc to PwC: New Student Already Has Offer from Big Four Firm
Aspiring auditor kickstarts accounting career in Silicon Valley
Q&A with PCAOB scholarship recipient Diana Tran shares her passion for auditing and how the MPAc program and audit internship is shaping her path towards becoming a CPA at PwC.

The War Over Work From Home: The Data CEOs And Workers Need To Know
In Forbes, Professor Emeritus Kim Elsbach says her research has found that when people are seen in the office, even when nothing is known about the quality of their work, they are perceived as more reliable and dependable than remote workers.

Dean Interview: UC Davis Dean H. Rao Unnava Explores the Changing Face of Business Education and MBA’s Significance in 2023
PaGalGuy, India's largest student networking website, interviews Dean Unnava about his resolute commitment to empowering students beyond mere business knowledge. Instead, he emphasizes equipping them with the adaptability and resilience required to thrive in the ever-changing business landscape.

From Volunteer to Visionary: Leading with Legacy at Metro EDGE’s Emerge Summit
Discover professional and personal growth opportunities
Sacramento MBA Julissa Adai de Gonzalez, member of Metro EDGE’s Leadership Council, invites you to the 10th Emerge Summit conference, sponsored by the UC Davis Graduate School of Management.

Reaching New Heights: Making an Impact through My MBA Journey
“Creating a positive impact extends beyond my corporate role”
While working at Kaiser, Bay Area MBA Genevieve Ngambia founded Striving For All, a nonprofit with a mission to enhance education and health for children in underserved communities globally.

Brewing Up Success: My Journey to Join Starbucks as Data Analyst
MSBA program offers flawless curriculum design and implementation
Alum Saya Banerjee credits the MSBA program for gaining experience collaborating with industry partners and tackle real-world business challenges—leading to a role at Starbucks.

Executive Insight: Wisdom, Networking, Inspiration
Sacramento Metro EDGE event offers face time with area leaders
Sacramento MBA Marissa Hernandez shares her experience at Metro EDGE’s Executive Insight, meeting area leaders from healthcare, wine industry, coffee entrepreneurs and higher education, including GSM Senior Assistant Dean for Student Affairs Amy Russell.

Brewing a More Sustainable and Nutritious Future
Upcycling spent beer grains can pack foods and beverages with sustainable nutrition
Are beer grains the next big breakthrough to battle global malnutrition? GSM Senior Scholar Harold Schmitz's latest groundbreaking food research shows that upcycled brewers’ spent grain is rich in protein and fiber and more sustainable than other plant-based ingredients.

Alumni Video Spotlight: Robin Greenspan MBA 17
MBA alum Robin Greenspan recently returned to share with new students about maximining their MBA experience. He did just that as student body president and since earned several promotions at Intel where he's now in a senior financial management role. View video.

Resilience in Action: Transforming Adversity into Success
“Resilience, Perseverance and Networking Are Key Ingredients For Success”
Part-Time MBA Eza Dsouza took the challenge of investing in herself while maintaining a work-life balance.

Enhancing MPAc Curriculum: Advanced Tax and Machine Learning Courses
Electives can put you ahead of the curve for CPA Exam changes
MPAc courses in machine learning and advanced tax reporting prepare students for new CPA exams and ever-changing accounting industry.

Introducing Ayung Tseng: Enriching UC Davis with a Passion for Research
Bringing her expertise and vision to MPAc
Meet Assistant Professor Ayung Tseng, who shares about her academic journey, insights into accounting's future and advice for students and aspiring accountants.