The Latest

How My Chapped Lips and MBA Inspired My Amazon Business
Entrepreneurship and strategy opened new doors
Antonio Hurtado MBA 22 shares how his MBA prepared him to launch a healthcare product, how he leveraged Amazon for e-commerce success, and offers his tips on branding and sales.

Accelerating Success: Gaining Invaluable Connections and Insights through Speed Networking
Building professional relationships with execs, top MSBA alumni
Manickashree Thayumana Sundaram MSBA 24 shares how the annual GSM Speed Networking Event offers a unique opportunity connect with alumni at Meta, Apple, Cisco and other top companies who shared insights and tips for career success.

Poets&Quants Thought Leadership Video Series: Professor Hemant Bhargava On Technology-Based Business & Markets
Facebook, Google, Uber, Netflix, and Tesla are all highly successful, disruptive businesses built on platform economics, a subject well understood by UC Davis Graduate School of Management Professor Hemant K. Bhargava.

All About Master's In Management
Poets&Quants reviews top business schools offering degree
From Poets&Quants: UC Davis Graduate School of Management will become the first University of California school to enroll its inaugural online Master of Management cohort in April of 2024.

Big 3 with Dean H. Rao Unnava: October 2023
More global recognition for our graduate business programs, faculty trailblazer in tech management, AI vs. humans on Wall Street
Dean H. Rao Unnava's October 2023 edition of the Big 3 features: Faculty Tech Management Trailblazer, New #1 Global Ranking, AI on Wall Street.

Connecting Outside of Class: Davis Day, Speed Networking and Adobe Analytics
How I’m maximizing my MSBA student experience
“Maximizing your student experience at the Graduate School of Management involves more than just attending classes—that’s just the tip of the iceberg,” writes MSBA student Amber Sills.

UC Davis MPAc Orientation: Building Lifelong Friendships and Landing Job Offers
Being part of the MPAc program isn't just an achievement—it's a gift.
MPAc student Aditya Prasad shares highlights of the five-day program orientation, including career advice, networking opportunities, and landing three job offers at the Meet the Firms event.

Meet Michael Ueltzen: From Big 4 CPA to Expert Witness
How earning a CPA and developing communication skills may lead to forensic accounting
MPAc student Kyle Anderson asks Lecturer Michael Ueltzen about the intriguing field of forensic accounting, the skills needed, and professional development for aspiring forensic accountants.

Postcard from Berlin: Our International Consulting Experience in the Heart of Europe
Presenting to clients in a city brimming with cultural diversity, warmth and innovation
MBA students Mary Wen and Faye Wu share their journey to Berlin where their teams presented recommendations to consulting clients and visited top companies in the historic German capital.

Being Authentic: Insights from Jita Buño, Associate COO, UC Davis Health
netWORKed Podcast: Episode 3
Host Chris Marshall shares the mic with Jita Buño, Associate COO of UC Davis Health, a major academic health center located in Sacramento, California. She shares her remarkable, non-traditional journey to her leadership role, emphasizes the importance of saying "yes" to opportunities and the significance of authentic relationships.

UC Davis MBA Ranks in Top 50 in U.S., Top 1/3 for Employability by Recruiters
QS 2024 Global MBA Rankings
QS rated full-time MBA programs in the U.S. based on five weighted factors: Employability, Return on Investment, Entrepreneurship and Alumni Outcomes, Thought Leadership, Class and Faculty Diversity.

QS Ranks MSBA No. 1 Globally for Return on Investment
Plus, No. 2 worldwide for “Value for the Money” in 2024 rankings
The UC Davis MSBA Class of 2022 showed record-breaking career placement success as strong demand continues for business-savvy data analysts, with average starting salaries of over $131,000 and average bonus of $19,000.