Xinyi (Alice) Shen MSBA 23

Analytics traces the way to a full picture so we don’t have to absorb information from non-verifiable sources. With my diverse MSBA cohort and full support from UC Davis, I am excited to share our strengths and complement the blind spots while we leverage data to resolve real-world problems.
Professional Experience
- Investment and Data Analytics Extern, Enhanced Healthcare Partners
- Summer Rotational Intern, International Department, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Student Leadership and Experience
- Graduate Student Analyst, UC Davis Graduate School of Management
- Chair of Internal Department, Eta Omega Chi - UCLA
- Associate, Smart Woman Securities - UCLA
B.S. in Statistics and B.A. in Business Economics - University of California, Los Angeles
Fun Facts
- Boba and Hotpot addict.
- Periodic workout enthusiast.
- Big fan of chorus and musicals.